Little Miracles

by The Salvation Army
Categories: Devotional

Ephesians 3:20-21 – Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (NKJV)

I believe in miracles. Much has been written about them, whether it be Daniel in the lions’ den, or the feeding of the five thousand, etc. I believe that God is able to do what, to human thought, is impossible.

However, today, I am writing about what I am calling “little miracles”, like instances of perfect timing, or things that many people call “happenstance” or “coincidence”. I firmly believe that God directs us in our daily lives. Many times a day, God enables something that we need, something to help us on our way, or sometimes, even something that we want.

One such “little miracle” occurred for me and my wife back in September, 2005. Our 41-year-old son had just died from pancreatic cancer. Early the next morning, we awoke, and my wife said, “I wonder if John has influenced anybody of whom we are unaware.” He had been an active Salvation Army Officer (pastor) at a growing church in suburban Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We knew that he’d had a strong influence in his ministry there. But what about other elements of his life here on earth?

Then, the telephone rang. It was from Zimbabwe, and on the other end of the line was Dr. Paul Thistle. To this day, Dr. Thistle ministers to thousands in rural Zimbabwe, receiving many plaudits for his outstanding achievements in that needy situation. Paul said that he was sorry that he wouldn’t be able to get back to Canada for John’s funeral, but then, he surprised us by saying how much John had influenced him when they were teenagers together and members of the youth class that we led. In fact, he said, John had had the biggest spiritual influence on him of anybody in the world!

Talk about a miracle! My wife and I were feeling at a very low point in our life, and God directed a world-famous doctor to call us! We had remembered Paul and John as two young men in our class — never realizing the bond that had developed and that was bearing fruit years later.

Now here’s a postscript to that “little miracle”. In August, 2018 — 13 years later — we were having lunch with Dr. Thistle and his family just before they returned from a break in Toronto. I mentioned that call, and Paul said that he remembered it well. Then, he said that it a was a miracle. In all his years in Zimbabwe, he was virtually never able to call Canada successfully the first time (it would normally take several tries), but that morning, he got through on the very first try. I guess God knew that we needed that “little miracle”.

I’m sure, as you read this, that you can think of many situations where something has happened or you have received some benefit that you weren’t expecting or didn’t think possible.

We can choose to be skeptical and dismiss these benefits as circumstances that just happen by chance. Instead, let us choose to be thankful for God’s “little miracles”.

Prayer: Dear Father, help us to appreciate the many “little miracles” that You work daily in our lives. Help us to be willing to share with others and always glorify You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Vincent Walter
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

– Copyright 2018-2020 by Vince Walter and reprinted with his permission. This devotional first appeared on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional website,

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